
I have been fiddling and tinkering with old web design for many years, and I have had sites with the same concept as this one previously.
This, however is by far the most involved and extensive one so far. This very design really came about when I ordered the book HTML in Action
written by Bruce Morris, published in 1996. That book comes with a disc containing a browsable tutorial, following the book itself. So I yoinked the HTML structure
from that disc, and started modifying it. The only things that really remain at this point is the frame layout itself, the red buttons and spinning globes.
I'm doing my best to keep it as "retro accurate" as possible, by refraining from using CSS and things, even though CSS itself is very old at this point.
The only CSS used is to change the colors of the hyperlinks, so it's not instrumental to the function of the site. You might also have noticed the total
lack of SSL certificates. This is partially because I'm just too lazy to set it up, but primarily to keep the site compatible with very old browsers.
I'm slowly developing the site, adding things as I go. I want this to be a genuine project, and not just something thrown together in an evening for the looks.
I have recently joined a few webrings as well. I thought it seemed very fitting, and hopefully it will provide some more traffic from likeminded people.
Everything is done manually using text editors, as it should be.

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to send me an email. You can find the address down to the left in the Contents menu.

Usually this site is hosted on a Compaq ProLiant 3000 server from 1997, boasting a 400MHz PentiumII processor and 256MB och RAM, running Debian.
Depending on the cost of electricity this may not always be the case. So if you feel the site being slow, that could be why, since the Compaq is quite fast.

But what about the webmaster?! I hear you cry from the collective couch of the global network called the internet. Well, I was born at a very young age
in Sweden of all places. You know, the home of ABBA, meatballs and affordable crap made mostly of cardboard and beaver puke.
I have always been interested in electronics, taking things apart and figuring out how they work for as long as I can remember. That then expanded into computers
servers, networking and all sorts of questionable modem mischief as I grew older. I ended up doing electronics and everything that involves as a day job,
which then killed most of the fun in doing it as a hobby. So I steered the hobby more into computer and networking related things.
That's basically it. Here we are, I suppose? Oh, that's my ugly mug over to the left, above the email link.