
Pairing an Apple A1016 Wireless Keyboard with Linux

So, as it turns out, getting the first generation Apple Wireless keyboard from 2003 to talk with modern Linux systems is a little tricky. It doesn't seem to use a protocol that's entierly supported these days, and as a result, it either shows up in bluetooth managers, but can't be paired, or it doesn't show up at all. After some research and headscratching I did find a way to make it work though. The whole trick is to use bluetoothctl in the terminal, and a 6-digit pin.

Run bluetoothctl in a terminal and type the following:

power on

agent KeyboardOnly


pairable on

Turn on the keyboard. Wait for the light to start flashing. This indicates it being in pairing mode.
Enter the following command:

scan on

Wait for the keyboard to appear in the terminal. It's a MAC-address followed by either "Apple Wireless Keyboard" or whatever your keyboard has been renamed to. Copy the MAC-address and write this command in bluetoothctl:

connect *MAC-address here*

Blindly type a 6-digit pin-code on the keyboard, for example 123456, then press Return.
bluetoothctl should now display a pin-code prompt, where you input the same code as you typed on the keyboard.

[agent] Enter PIN code:

Bluetoothctl should now connect the keyboard, and show the following:

[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 Paired: yes
[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 Modalias: usb:xxxxxxxxxxxx
[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 UUIDs: xxxxxxxxxxx
[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 UUIDs: xxxxxxxxxxx
[CHG] Device 00:0A:95:33:33:33 ServicesResolved: yes
Connection successful

Enter the following commands in bluetoothctl to stop the scanning and pairing process:

scan off

pairable off

Confirm the keyboard is paird by typeing the following command:
